Welcome to my website. Here you'll find several different galleries of things I love to photograph, in addition to photo albums of events recently shot. The site works best on Laptops and iPads. On the About Me page you'll find a bio and my photographic background. On the same page (about me) is a contact form. So if you have any thoughts or questions please email me. All photos are for sale either in a digital form or a print. Contact me for prices. Please check back for new content as I'm frequently updating the site. I'll leave a note below as to new content . Once again thanks again for dropping by.
Photo of the Week
Click on image to go to album
Pride Parade Victoria
Back after two years absence, the happiest event to shoot.
National Indigenous Day
I love this photo as it's one of the few times were a mask actually adds something to the photo!
Lord Strathcona's Horse
What a thrill it was to photograph this event
Composite from Capital City Comicon
Lots to figure out in compositing, but it's a lot of fun too.
Irish Festival with Daniel Lapp
It was so lovely to see a live concert again
Rally for Ukraine
Sadness overwhelms this man as he attends the rally for Ukraine.

Trucker Talk
A calmer moment at the Trucker/Antivax protest.

A Victoria Fly By
Canadian Snowbirds finishing up their 2020 Operation Inspiration tour with a fly over here in Victoria to salute Health Care Workers.

Sea Legs
Nothing but the sea legs of Captain Cook remain after a mob tore down his statue on Canada Day. I will miss him.

It's been a wild ride since I posted This shot of a Crow "anting." It seems that this
is a rare event to photograph! Since the photo went up and went viral I have been contacted by CBC,CBS,CTV, NPR, YAHOO, GEO magazine, The Weather Network, IFLScience in London... the posts have shown up all over the world., and requests are still coming in!
I did an interview on CBC Radio's flagship show AS IT Happens and chatted with host
Carol Off about this unusual behavior or more rightly, seldom photographed behavior.
Honestly I had no idea that an innocent photo of what I thought to be a "dirt bath"
could take off like this! It's the sort of thing that one dreams of but it's a total surprise when it happen!